Dependency Breakers
Attend another team’s meetings to discuss dependencies.
Dependency Breakers: Attend • Automate • Block • Contain • Coordinate • Decouple • Flag • Formalize • Measure • Prioritize • Redesign • Reteam • Rotate • Self-service • Standardize • Swarm • Throttle • Toggle • Visualize • Volunteer
Visit other teams to initiate discussions about dependencies. Ensure that your work requests are visible on the other team's backlog and confirm that they are prioritized appropriately. Stay informed about the progress of your work items by attending the other group's meetings and keeping an eye on their overall progress. Aim for an understanding of the other team's goals and incentives, which fosters a deeper level of cooperation.
Dependencies are not necessarily bad. Actually, there are many good reasons for people to depend on each other. But you have a problem when those dependencies result in value that is not able to flow.
Rules / Constraints
We have not yet defined any rules or constraints.

“We have broken the cycle of dependency. People have found out they're better off working.”
(Source: John Engler)